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In this manner, what does behind the vertical mean?
When your horse is behind the vertical, itmeans thathis nose is too close to his chest and there'stoo much pressureacross his poll. It usually happens when yourhorse becomes toostrong in your hand and as a result, you keep atightrein.
what does behind the leg mean in riding?
When a horse is in front oftheleg, which he should be at all times, that meanshe'sresponding to your leg aid the moment it's applied andgoingforward willingly. You shouldn't have to work continually justtokeep that forward movement.
The phrases "on the bit", "behind thebit"and "above the bit" are equestrian terms used todescribe ahorse's posture relative to the reins and the bridlebit.When a horse is behind the bit, the head istucked too fardown and rearward. If above the bit, then thehead is toohigh.