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Simply so, what is Bhramari?
Bhramari is the Sanskrit word for“bee,” and this pranayama is so named because of thehumming sound produced at the back of the throat during thepractice—like the gentle humming of a bee.
Keeping this in view, can I do Bhramari pranayama after eating?
The only pre-requisite is that this pranayamashould be done on empty stomach. Consult a doctor if you aresuffering from any ear problem or and medical ailmentsbefore doing Bhramari Pranayama. One should maintain the gapof 5 hours between your meal or lunch. It isbetter to practice in the morning in fresh air.
Time came for Shiv-Shakti to take a historic step tokill Arunasur. Arunasur asked Shiva if he hadforgotten about the boon Arunasur was granted. This time,Parvati reminded Arunasur that he himself had invited her tohis territory by the penance.