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Likewise, is bleach harmful to plants?
The sodium hypochlorite solution is highlytoxicundiluted; especially to plants. Small amountsof dilutedchlorine bleach are safe for plantsand insome cases even helpful. But it is still important to usecautionwhen using excessive amounts of chlorine bleacharound yourplants.
One may also ask, how does bleach affect plant growth?
Bleach will not only affect plantgrowth,but will most likely kill a plant altogether.While chlorinein small doses is harmless or even beneficial toplants,concentrated chlorine such as bleach willdestroy aplant and the network of life that plantdepends onto obtain nutrients and thrive.
The bleach chemicals will evaporate ordissipatein about two days (or less but better safe than sorry),making thearea safe for planting. Again, bleach willkillanything but if you do get some on a plantyou wantto keep, just wash the plant off.