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In respect to this, what is brown noise used for?
Brown noise lowers the higher frequenciesevenmore. It's a bit “rougher” than pink noiseandresembles the roar of a river current or strong wind.Commonbenefits associated with brown noise arerelaxation,improved focus, and of course, sleepimprovement.
Correspondingly, what is brown noise example?
Brown noise is a random noise whichmimicsthe signal noise produced by brownian motion. Heara5-second example of brown noise (download file).Tothe human ear, brown noise is similar to whitenoisebut at a lower frequency. Examples in natureinclude waveson the beach and some wind noise.
As the video explains, white noise has ahigherfrequency and we perceive it to sound louder than itreallyis. Pink noise, which they play in the video, takesthisinto account and balances out the frequency. Brownnoise,which sounds like a low rumble or an ocean, lowers thehigherfrequencies even more.