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Subsequently, one may also ask, what does Wah Gwaan mean?
Definition Pronounced as“waagwaan”, the literal translation is“what's goingon” but when used as a greeting, it canalso mean“What's up”. Different variation of“Wahgwaan” may be used but they all have thesamemeaning. These include; wah deh gwaan,whattagwaan or waguan (pronounced wa-goo-ahn).
One may also ask, what does Bun Dem mean in Jamaican?
Bothers them. Slang expression used to statethatsomething has upset/bothered someone. The literal translationis“Burn them”. Patois: It a bun dem truemiget a promotion. English: It bothers them that I gotapromotion.
'Mi Deh Yah, Yuh Know' You have to say it almost as one complete word.Theexpression is often used as a response to "wah gwaan, anditmeans "Everything is okay." It may also mean "I'mdoingwell."