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Asked by: Chunling Arcarazo
travel rail travelWhat does flashing red light at a railroad crossing mean?
Thereof, what does a flashing red light mean?
Traffic Signals. FLASHING RED—A flashing red signal light means exactly the same as a stop sign: STOP! After stopping, proceed when safe and observe the right-of-way rules. YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear.
Similarly one may ask, is it against the law to cross railroad tracks?
In most states, it is illegal to cross train tracks at any other place than a railroad crossing. Train tracks and the property near them are owned by the railroad company, and most of the railroad companies post No Trespassing signs prohibiting being on their property at any time.
The basic signal consists of flashing red lights, a crossbuck and a bell, attached to a mast. At most crossings, the signals will activate about 30 seconds before the train arrives. The gates will rise and the signals will shut off once the end of the train clears the island circuit.