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Asked by: Lastenia Pejenaute
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryWhat does George mean in the Bible?
Greek Baby Names Meaning:
In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the nameGeorge is: From 'georgos' meaning tiller of the soil,or farmer. Famous bearer: St George, patron saint ofEngland, who struggled with a fire breathing dragon symbolizing thedevil.
Simply so, what is the biblical meaning of George?
Biblical name meaning "God is my judge" inHebrew.
Similarly one may ask, what name means gift from God?
100 Christian Baby Names Meaning “Gift OfGod”
100 Baby Names Meaning “Gift OfGod” | ||
20 | Chipo | Present from God |
21 | Donato | Gift from God |
22 | Dorek | God's Gift |
23 | Dorothy | Gift from God |
George is a surname of Irish, English,Welsh, South Indian Christian, Middle Eastern Christian (usuallyLebanese), French, or Native American origin. The Germanform is Georg. Notable people with the surname include:Alexander George (disambiguation), multiplepeople.