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Asked by: Elicia Rennenkampf
technology and computing shareware and freewareWhat does hancom Office viewer do?
Thereof, what is hancom office?
Hancom Office is a mobile office programproduced by Hancom Inc. You can create and edit documentsusing Hancom Office. Shared is an app that providesessential components for running Hancom Office, such asfonts, templates, and theme files.
Then, how do I get rid of hancom office?
Go into ur phones 'settings' & then tap on'application manager'. In the list of ur installed programs (apps),find Hancom Office, tap on it and either uninstall it if thebutton is not greyed out (if removing it entirely is what uwant). You can also tap on the 'disable' button so it won't run inthe background.
Hancom Office S offers its own counterparts toMicrosoft's Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and iscompatible with them. Galaxy S8, S8 Plus, S9, and S9 Plusand the Galaxy Note 8 and 9 smartphones, as well as the Galaxy TabS4 tablet, have DeX available and can use HancomOffice.