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Asked by: Abdeladim Langarica
hobbies and interests jewelry makingWhat does hand chased silver mean?
Keeping this in view, what does chased mean in jewelry?
Chasing, chased work, or embossing referto a similar technique, in which the piece is hammered onthe front side, sinking the metal. The two techniques areoften used in conjunction. They are also relativelyeconomical, since there is no loss or waste of metal, whichmostly retains its original size and thickness.
Additionally, what is the difference between chasing and engraving?
Unlike engraving, the design is pushed into themetal without any removal of metal required. Repousséemploys similar tools and techniques as does chasing, butthere are several differences. Liners are used to texture,enhance edges, and push metal, although care must be taken or thetool may cut through.
Silverplate flatware doesn't have a meltvalue like sterling silverware, and with a lowersilver content, it is generally worth much less thansterling silver. However, more popular patterns have afollowing, and there are people searching for pieces they've lostover the years.