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[countable/uncountable] an attempt to dosomething that is difficult or that involves hard work. aneffort to do something: The restructuring was part ofan effort to boost company profits. in an effort todo something: Detectives are talking to other witnesses inan effort to corroborate her confession.
Also asked, what is an example of effort?
Effort is defined as the use of physical ormental energy, the act or result of trying to do something. Anexample of effort is someone using their brain to make aplan. An example of effort is writing a letter.
Also asked, what does good effort mean?
“Good effort” means that youtried your best on something but perhaps made one or a fewmistakes. The person telling you “good effort”can see that you tried to do well and are saying“good effort” to encourage you to dobetter.
effort Sentence Examples
- I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it.
- Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right fromwrong than others.
- It took too much effort to look up at the sun to measuretime.
- She made no effort to catch them, letting them fall at herfeet.
- With a little effort she located a canteen.