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In respect to this, what does iSTAT test for?
i-STAT Portable Clinical Analyser. The Abbott i-STAT portable clinical analyser is a true Point Of Care analyser designed to be used at the patient's bedside for critical care tests such as blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites and coagulation.
Additionally, how much does an iSTAT cost?
An iSTAT cartridge cost of 420 dollars would not have been different from laboratory costs. Cost-saving on technician callback (1,530 dollars), paramedic overtime (690 dollars) and aircraft time waiting charges (2,000 dollars) would have totaled (4,220 dollars).
Electrical impedance Whole blood is passed between two electrodes through an aperture so narrow that only one cell can pass through at a time. The impedance changes as a cell passes through. The change in impedance is proportional to cell volume, resulting in a cell count and measure of volume.