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8-bit is an early computer hardwaredeviceor software program that is capable of transferringeightbits of data at the same time. Today's computerprocessors are64-bit. 2. When referring to a video card orgraphics card,8-bit refers to the amount of colorscapable of beingdisplayed.
Thereof, what is the meaning of 8 bit?
8-bit is a measure of computerinformationgenerally used to refer to hardware and software in anera wherecomputers were only able to store and process a maximum of8bits per data block.
Similarly, what does 8 bit image mean?
8-bit color graphics is a methodofstoring image information in a computer's memory or inanimage file, such that each pixel is representedbyone 8-bit byte. The maximum number of colorsthatcan be displayed at any one time is256.
From there, a group of 4 bits is calledanibble, and 8-bits makes a byte. Bytes are aprettycommon buzzword when working in binary.