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Asked by: Senador Asylmuratov
automotive auto safety technologiesWhat does it mean to cage brakes?
Also know, how does a brake chamber work?
Air brake chambers. A service brake chamber contains a flexible rubber disc called a diaphragm, a metal rod called a pushrod and a return spring. When you press the brake pedal, compressed air fills the service brake chamber, causing the diaphragm to move and push out the pushrod to apply the brakes (Diagram 3-1).
Subsequently, question is, how do you release a brake chamber?
How to cage your brakes.
- To do this, crawl under truck or trailer and find brake chamber to the wheel with brakes you want to release.
- On the chamber itself, you'll find the internal hex pipe plug.
- Remove dust cover from brake chamber.
- Insert caging tool into chamber and turn 1/4 clockwise to seat the tool.
- Insert washer and nut.
A control valve similar to the one used in conventional spring brake systems applies the emergency and parking brakes. Releasing the spring brakes requires operating the control valve and then pressing the brake pedal for three to five seconds.