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Asked by: Goio Arratia
technology and computing graphics softwareWhat does it mean to link a Msisdn?
Similarly, what is the meaning of Msisdn?
Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number(MSISDN) is a number used to identify a mobile phone numberinternationally. MSISDN is defined by the E.164numbering plan. This number includes a country code and a NationalDestination Code which identifies the subscriber'soperator.
is Msisdn same as phone number?
It's usually stored in a SIM card. A mobilesubscriber integrated services digital network (MSISDN)number is a cellphone's phone number. The IMSI isused internally within cellphone systems to identify aphone. Most users don't know their IMSIs, while theMSISDN can be dialed to reach the phone.
IMSI is used to identify a subscriber by theoperator. But MSISDN is the number which is used fordialing. So when you call your friend/a mobile, you call theMSISDN number of the mobile, not the IMSI. In factthe IMSI is burned in the SIM card, which will beused while authenticating with network.