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Asked by: Zhour Behrens
home and garden home appliancesWhat does it mean when my fire alarm beeps 3 times?
Also to know is, why does my fire alarm beep three times?
When the batteries are nearly discharged after working for a period of time, in some cases up to 6 months or 1 year, for the replaceable type, the smoke sensors are designed to make a beep sound at intervals as a warning that the battery need to be replaced or recharged. Discharged batteries also lead to False alarm.
Hereof, what does it mean when the fire alarm beeps twice?
Usually, when a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm is chirping (one quick little beep every 2 minutes or so), it means the battery is dying. Even if your smoke alarm is attached to your electrical system, it should have a battery backup. So when the chirping starts, pick up a battery at the store and swap it out.
If an alarm “chirps” 3 times with 3 Green LED flashes, contact our Consumer Affairs Department at 1-800-323-9005 for immediate support. Any of these situations can cause unwanted alarms: – Cover or Sensor Chamber is Covered by Dust or Dirt. – Insects Covered or Clogged the Sensor Chamber.