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Asked by: Yasira Tzagunov
family and relationships datingWhat does it mean when someone says ok then?
B: "Okay then" So in your example (with "I likeyou"), "okay then" just is an acknowledgement that sheunderstood what you said but it indicates she does not knowhow to proceed or what to say. It could be because "Ilike you" can have both a platonic (friendship) and a sexual(romantic relationship) meaning.
Similarly, what does it mean when a girl says okay then?
When a girl says okay it means notokay. When a girl says okay it means maybe.When a girl says okay it means not sure. When agirl says okay it means just for you.
Also to know, what does Alrighty mean?
alrighty. Interjection. Used to affirm, indicateagreement, or consent. Alrighty, let's go then.
Cool (aesthetic) Coolness is an aesthetic ofattitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style which isgenerally admired. Because of the varied and changing connotationsof cool, as well as its subjective nature, the word has nosingle meaning. It has associations of composure andself-control (cf.