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Asked by: Luis Tomasa
hobbies and interests jewelry makingWhat does it mean when you call someone a brass?
In respect to this, what does it mean to brass someone?
An action of annoying consequence, either inflicteduponsomeone or upon oneself. Commonly used followingtheinfliction or inflicting of defeat, or when you fail in anendeavorand are consequently embarrassed, or when you inflictbodily painupon yourself or someone else.
Also to know, what is a brass in cockney rhyming slang?
Beggar boy's arse is Cockney slangforBrass (old Cockney for a prostitute)."She's abit brassy" Credit: contributed by Anon on9-Oct-2002.
noun. From our crowdsourced Open Dictionary. animaginarybarrier which stops women from progressing in theircareers withinthe military and law enforcement.