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Asked by: Emoke Urdiain
medical health sleep disordersWhat does it mean when you dream your child has been kidnapped?
Similarly, you may ask, what does dream of being kidnapped mean?
If you are dreaming that you are beingkidnapped, it usually means that you are forced todo things that you don't want to do or that you arefeeling unable to do the right things. In most cases thedreams of being kidnapped may reflect your fear to losefreedom.
Likewise, people ask, what does it mean when you dream about someone going missing?
You may also feel out of control or disorganized.Alternatively, it may reflect feelings of being unable to dosomething you usually do with ease. To dreamof a person going missing may reflect feelings of feelingsabout people abandoning you. Feeling that you've lostin some way.
If in the dream you yourself is achild again, and you are lost or missingsuggests you are feeling vulnerable in life. This canbe a sign that you are missing your youth. Dreamingof yourself as a child missing could also mean that youneed to find out who you are again.