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Asked by: Souhayla Veselinov
technology and computing smartphonesWhat does it mean when your phone says server unreachable?
Can't connect "Server unreachable" Theerror message you are seeing, 'server unreachable',means that your VPN client on your devicecan't reach the server.
Consequently, how can I make my call not reachable?
Follow these simple tricks to make your smartphone notreachable.
- Trick 1: Put Your Smartphone in Flight Mode.
- Trick 2: Select Network Manually.
- Trick 3: Forward Your Call to Any Landline Number.
- Trick 4: Change the Network Mode.
- Trick 5: Remove Your Battery Without Switching Off thePhone.
Similarly one may ask, how do I disable advanced calling?
To enable or disable HD Voice on your Androidphone:
- Go to Settings.
- Tap Advanced Calling under WIRELESS NETWORKS.
- Tap Advanced Calling again to turn it On or Off.
COMMUNICATIONS. a phone service that allows usersto stop receiving calls from particular numbers or stopssomeone from making calls to particular numbers: You can usecall barring to prevent someone from making internationalcalls.