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Asked by: Candid Esturillo
technology and computing desktop publishingWhat does italic mean in writing?
Also, what words should be italicized?
Titles of full works like books or newspapers shouldbe italicized. Titles of short works like poems, articles,short stories, or chapters should be put in quotation marks.Titles of books that form a larger body of work may be put inquotation marks if the name of the book series isitalicized.
Just so, what is a italic word?
italic. Italic is a typeface or font stylethat slants to the right. Some writers use italic type toindicate a character's speech, or to emphasize words thecharacter stresses. You can also use italic type forwords in foreign languages or the titles of long works, likenovels or films.
Use Italics when you want to emphasize a certainword or phrase. A common use for italics is to drawattention to a particular part of a text in order to provideemphasis. If something is important or shocking, you might want toitalicize that word or phrase so that your readers don'tmiss it.