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jibai – (From Hokkien) Vulgar term forthefemale sexual organ; or the English equivalentof'cunt'.
Also to know is, what Cibai means?
There are another words in China meanssomethingbad and it's Similar to the pronunciation cibai.Maybe theword is bái chī.(it means idiot inChina) Thereare another words in China means something badand it'sSimilar to the pronunciation cibai.
Also to know, what does BUAY mean?
Origin of Buay. Buay Means. Thanks! Bisfor bounce, your ability to renew.
Luke Chan, lives in Singapore. Answered Oct25,2015. Siao in itself means "crazy" or "mad",whileLiao per mentioned by Nic Ngu can be interpretedas"already" or an emphasis of an acknowledged orcompletedaction/item of the word preceding it.