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Besides, what is a key value pair example?
An item of data that is identified by an arbitrary name.The key is the name, and the value is the content;for example, the key might be CITY, and thevalue might be CHICAGO. A key-value databaseis a set of key-value pairs.
Considering this, what is key value service?
The key-value databasedefined A key-value database is a type ofnonrelational database that uses a simple key-valuemethod to store data. A key-value database storesdata as a collection of key-value pairs in which akey serves as a unique identifier.
June 21, 2016. A key-value database (alsoknown as a key-value store andkey-value store database) is a type of NoSQLdatabase that uses a simple key/value method to storedata. The key-value part refers to the fact that thedatabase stores data as a collection of key/valuepairs.