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Also, is Kosher for Passover?
Keep in mind that those keeping strictlykosherwill look for a Kosher for Passover hechsher onany and allpackaged food products used during Passover,including dairyproducts, nuts, broths, quinoa, spices, and evenmatzo products(not all of them are labeled KosherforPassover!).
In this way, what is the difference between kosher and kosher for Passover?
The major difference between the two isthatKosher for Passover excludes any food that is chametz(orhametz), which translates to “leavened.” Thisknocksout any of these common five grains: wheat, barley, rye,oats, andspelt.
Passover (in Hebrew, Pesach)commemoratesthe exodus of the Jews from slavery inEgypt.