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Similarly, you may ask, what does natural log mean?
Natural Logarithm. The natural logarithmof a number x is the logarithm to the base e , where e isthe mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.718 . It isusually written using the shorthand notation lnx , instead oflogex as you might expect .
Also, what is ln and log?
Usually log(x) means the base 10 logarithm; itcan, also be written as log10(x) . ln(x) means thebase e logarithm; it can, also be written as loge(x) .ln(x) tells you what power you must raise e to obtain thenumber x.
The natural log is the inverse of e , a fancy term foropposite. Speaking of fancy, the Latin name is logarithmusnaturali, giving the abbreviation ln. Now what doesthis inverse or opposite stuff mean? ex lets us plug in time andget growth. ln(x) ? lets us plug in growth and get the timeit would take.