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Consequently, what does long hair signify?
Long hair is a hairstyle where the headhairis allowed to grow to a considerable length. Maleshavingshort, cut hair are in many cultures viewed as beingundersociety's control, such as while in the military or prison oraspunishment for a crime.
In this way, what does long hair on a man symbolize?
In some circles long hair on men is seenasa symbol of power and freedom; in others, however, itmakesup a girly look. Rockers have them and so do NativeAmericansand Greek warriors. Throughout the centuries longhair hasbeen a symbol of power, freedom, good healthandnon-conformism.
The Creator has a definite reason for givingyouhair. It is said that when you allow your hairtogrow to its full length and coil it on the crown of the head,thesun energy, pranic life force, is drawn down the spine.Tocounteract that downward movement, the Kundalini life energyrisesto create balance.