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Herein, what cause lymphoid aggregates in bone marrow biopsy?
Reactive lymphoid aggregates in bone marrow (BM) biopsy are usually seen in old age, in association with infection, inflammation, myeloproliferative disorders, hemolysis and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and thyrotoxicosis Association of lymphoid aggregates with hypereosinophilia is not a common
In respect to this, what is a lymphoid follicle?
Lymphoid follicles are small masses of tissues that contain aggregations of inflammatory cells, mainly B cells with some T cells and dendritic cells.
The colonic mucosa is covered by relatively flat mucus-secreting cells and crypts. Several substances serve as growth factors that can positively stimulate epithelial growth. In the colon, epithelial restitution is associated with migration of cells at a speed of approximately 2 μm/min.