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Similarly, it is asked, how much Maca should I take?
Dosing. Maca is available commercially inseveraldosage forms including powder, liquid, tablets,andcapsules. Most commercial Web sites recommend a dailydoseof 1 dried maca extract 450 mg capsule 3 timesdaily takenorally with food.
Correspondingly, can Maca make you gain weight?
Maca powder itself doesn't necessarilycauseyou to gain more weight. It's whathappensto your appetite and exercise after consuming macapowderthat causes the weight gain to occur. If youeat moreof the right foods and then start to exercise followingamaca supplementation, then chances are youmaygain weight.
Maca root has the potential to worsenhormonalsymptoms and keep you up at night if you taketoomuch or take too much too soon. It is recommended youstartslowly– try a 1/4 tsp each morning and slowly make yourwayup to 1-3 tsp (no more than 2 for women). It is not suggestedyoutake it in the evening.