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Similarly, it is asked, what is a modded app?
MOD APK or MODDED APK are modified versionoftheir original Apps. MOD APK simply meansmodifiedapp. The original APKs are modified so that userscan enjoysome paid facilities that AKP provides for only certainusers(likepremium users, Paid User) for free users.
Just so, what is mod money?
In simple, A MOD APK is a modified version ofanoriginal APK(Android Package). Mod APKs mayhaveextra features, unlocked features, unlimitedinApp/Gamecurrency(for games), sometimes extra support, andmany othermodifications and add-ons (including malware andSpyware).
The only problem is that there is an amountofrisk to using APK files. Since they are not authorizedbyGoogle Play, you can end up with aharmfulfile on your phone or device. Sohowcan you make sure the APK files you are usingaresafe and won't harm your phone or gadget?