Asked by: Toccara Karwatzki
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What does old and crotchety mean?

If you're crotchety, you complain and argue and are more or less miserable to be around. Crotchety is most often used when talking about older people, like the crotchety old man who sits on his porch and yells at you to slow down when you drive by.

Beside this, what is an old curmudgeon?

Old, cranky, and more than a little stubborn, a curmudgeon is the gruff, grey-haired neighbor who refuses to hand out candy at Halloween and shoos away holiday carolers with a "bah humbug!" As fickle and stubborn as the type of person it describes, curmudgeon comes to us without a history, its origins undisclosed.

Secondly, what does it mean to be ill tempered? English Language Learners Definition of ill-tempered : easily annoyed or angered. : showing that you are annoyed or angry.

Similarly, it is asked, what is cantankerous?

adjective. The definition of cantankerous is someone who is bad tempered, grumpy or looking for an argument. An example of cantankerous is a grumpy old man who lives on your street who is always watching the neighborhood kids to find something to yell at them about.

Where does the word grumpy come from?

The word codger, referring to an eccentric or grumpy old man, is attested to 1756, and may be an alteration of cadger, "a person who gets a living by begging." Crank seems to be a back-formation of cranky, which originated around 1807.

Related Question Answers

Danyell Vedrine


What is the opposite of a curmudgeon?

curmudgeon. Antonyms: trump, good fellow, brick. Synonyms: miscreant, wretch, rascal, churl, ill-conditioned fellow.

Higinio Bergh


What is a Comugen?

Definition of curmudgeon. 1 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man. 2 archaic : miser.

Aparicio Desmond


What is a female curmudgeon called?

Answered Jul 25, 2018 · Author has 62 answers and 105k answer views. There is a female version of curmudgeon! Uncensored Dictionary-thesaurus (UDT) defines curmudgeon as a crusty, ill-tempered scrooge. The female version would be battle axe along with a few choice (uncensored) synonyms.

Metin Badallo


What is an old biddy?

countable noun. If someone describes an old woman as an old biddy, they are saying in an unkind and impolite way that they think she is silly or unpleasant. [informal, disapproval] They were gossiping like two old biddies in a tearoom.

Yanitza Sakovich


How do you deal with a curmudgeon?

Here are few ways to deal with the office curmudgeon (we'll refer to them as the OC).
  1. Don't set them off. If you have to approach the OC, tread lightly.
  2. Try and create a (small) bond. The OC may not completely let anyone in, but you can at least try and get them on your side.
  3. Appreciate them.

Segimon Kauhs


What is a surly person?

adjective. The definition of surly is someone who is bad-tempered, or something that is threatening such as poor weather. An example of someone who would be described as surly is a grumpy person who frowns at everyone who comes near him.

Cristo Probstl


What does Old Man mean in slang?

(slang) A husband, or significant other. (slang) One's male employer. Synonyms: boss, governor.

Tommie Luettgens


What do you call an old man?

grandfather. patriarch. the patriarch of the clan. old age pensioner. old person.

Blanca Mittelstaedt


What is the synonym for cantankerous?

bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, tetchy, testy, crusty, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, cross, as cross as two sticks, fractious, disagreeable, pettish, crabbed, crabby, waspish, prickly, peppery, touchy, scratchy, splenetic, shrewish, short-tempered, hot-

Clea Rumpe


Is cantankerous a real word?

Meanwhile, back at your question, “cantankerous” is a word so perfectly suited in form to its meaning of “argumentative, ill-tempered, cranky” that you might well guess what it meant just from the sound of the word.

Sabas Khachatryan


Is cantankerous an adjective?

adjective. disagreeable to deal with; contentious; peevish: a cantankerous, argumentative man.

Nyuma Rjeshevsky


What part of speech is the word cantankerous?

part of speech: adjective
related words: argumentative, petulant, querulous, snappish, waspish
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: cantankerously (adv.), cantankerousness (n.)

Eztizen Camarneiro


What is ill timed?

ill-timed. adjective. If you describe something as ill-timed, you mean that it happens or is done at the wrong time, so that it is damaging or rude. He argued that the tax cut was ill-timed. Synonyms: inopportune, inappropriate, inconvenient, untimely More Synonyms of ill-timed.

Subhadra Simba


What is ill mannered?

English Language Learners Definition of ill-mannered
formal : having or showing bad manners : rude or impolite.

Ambrosia Naarzo


What is the synonym of grumpy?

Synonyms of 'grumpy'
Everyone was getting bored and cross. bad-tempered. a crusty, bad-tempered, ill-humoured character. grumbling. crabbed.

Ursino Meierto


How do I stop being grumpy?

7 Quick Ways to Stop Being Irritable
  1. Figure out the source. The best way to reduce irritability is to figure out what's making you irritable—and then address it.
  2. Reduce caffeine and alcohol.
  3. It's often the little things.
  4. Get in touch with your compassion.
  5. Gain perspective.
  6. Rid yourself of nervous energy.
  7. Get quiet or alone time.

Emanuel Martin Portugues


Is Grumpy an emotion?

grumpy. When your friend suggests a restaurant but you're in a bad mood so you say “That's a stupid restaurant” — even though you don't really mind it — then you're being grumpy, meaning irritable or grouchy. There are all kinds of reasons for feeling grumpy: maybe you're tired or annoyed or you have a headache.

Vivienne Guelho


How do you say grumpy?

Synonyms for grumpy | a bad mood
  1. cantankerous.
  2. crotchety.
  3. grouchy.
  4. irritable.
  5. sullen.
  6. surly.
  7. testy.
  8. bad-tempered.