Asked by: Bahia Entero
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What does Othello call Desdemona?

During Act 4, Scene 2, Othello confront Desdemona over what he believes are her adulteress ways. In this scene, Othello calls Desdemona several harsh names including "a cunning whore," "a public commoner," and "an impudent strumpet." In response to these insults, Desdemona is confused and heartbroken.

Similarly one may ask, what does Othello say to Desdemona and how does Desdemona respond?

Othello asks if she saw Desdemona and Cassio together and Emilia says no. 2) What does Othello say to Desdemona and how does Desdemona respond? Iago says Othello called Desdemona a whore; Iago says that Othello must be upset due to political business; Emilia thinks Othello has been tricked.

what scene does Othello kill Desdemona? Summary: Act V, scene ii. Holding a candle, Othello stands over the sleeping Desdemona and prepares to kill her. He bends down to kiss her once before he does the deed, she wakes, and he tells her to prepare to die.

Simply so, what does Othello do in Desdemona?

After the supper, Othello orders Desdemona to go to bed and to dismiss her attendant. Desdemona sings the "Willow Song," remembering the maid Barbary whose lover went mad and abandoned her, and she died singing this song.

When did Othello hit Desdemona?

When Desdemona hears the news that she will be leaving Cyprus, she expresses her happiness, whereupon Othello strikes her. Lodovico is horrified by Othello's loss of self-control, and asks Othello to call back Desdemona, who has left the stage. Othello does so, only to accuse her of being a false and promiscuous woman.

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During Act 4, Scene 2, Othello confront Desdemona over what he believes are her adulteress ways. In this scene, Othello calls Desdemona several harsh names including "a cunning whore," "a public commoner," and "an impudent strumpet." In response to these insults, Desdemona is confused and heartbroken.

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But her denials only make Othello more angry—he calls her a whore, and, after giving Emilia money for guarding the door, storms out. Now that Othello suspects that Desdemona's virtue is just a cover for whore-like behavior, her denials of his accusation just makes him more certain of its truth.

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Desdemona tells Emilia to lay her wedding sheets on the bed for that night. At Desdemona's request, Emilia brings in Iago, and Desdemona tries to find out from him why Othello has been treating her like a whore. Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is being assigned to Othello's place.

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In the last scene of the play, 5.2, Brabantio's brother Graziano states that Brabantio died of grief after losing his daughter to Othello.