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In respect to this, what does the B stand for in patty cake?
Published. 1698. Songwriter(s) Unknown."Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man","Pat-a-cake", "patty-cake" or"pattycake" is one of the oldest and most widely knownsurviving English nursery rhymes.
Beside above, is Patty Cake a nursery rhyme?
Pat-a-cake, also known aspatty-cake or pattycake, is one of the oldestenglish nursery rhymes. Patty cake is also one of themost classic clapping games out there, and the game has made thesong even more popular.
Eeper, Weeper, Chimney Sweeper Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater,Had awife and couldn't keep her;He put her in a pumpkinshell,And there he kept her very well.