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Asked by: Zohair Martinez Alcocer
business and finance bankruptcyWhat does property status's PS R mean?
Moreover, how did you hold title S sp o?
(1) What type of property did you own—principal residence (PR), second home (SH) or investment property (IP)? (2) How did you hold title to the home— by yourself (S), jointly with your spouse (SP), or jointly with another person (O)?
Also know, what is the 1003?
Form 1003 is the standard form completed by borrowers when applying for a mortgage loan. Also known as the Uniform Residential Loan Application, the document was developed by Fannie Mae. A borrower lists all assets and liabilities on the form when attempting to secure a mortgage loan.
Completed Jointly or Not Jointly: Indicate how the Borrower's and Co-Borrower's Assets and Liabilities section will be completed. If the Borrower and Co-Borrower have different banks, credit cards, loans, real estate owned, the Co-Borrower will need to complete a separate Financial Statement.