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Beside this, what does rolling the greens mean?
Rolling does not always have to be used as a means to improve existing green speed. During the off-season, when clipping production is minimal, rolling greens is an excellent means to remove dew and provide a putting sur- face comparable to a freshly mowed green.
Considering this, how often should you Verticut greens?
“The general rule of thumb is to verticut as often as recovery and improved turf health are noted,” he says. “I do it every 10 days in some areas of the course, but it might be wise to limit verticutting to two or three times a year in other areas.” Verticutting methods vary.
It's usually advisable not to roll a green to remove undulations- not always, but generally it's more effective to use top dressing, forking and other methods of groundsmanship as rolling is possibly the poorest option available.