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Asked by: Anira Karlovsky
technology and computing smartphonesWhat does saved in chat mean on Snapchat?
In this manner, how do you know if someone saved your chat on Snapchat?
Look for messages with grey backgrounds. If you see a message with a greybackground, it has been saved by either you or yourcontact. Messages you save will have a vertical red bar tothe left of them, while messages saved by friendshave a blue bar next to them. You can save a chatmessage by tapping and holding it.
Similarly, how long are messages saved on Snapchat?
Snapchat servers are designed to automaticallydelete all unopened Chats after 30 days. Snapchatters can alwayssave a Chat by pressing-and-holding on it! SavedChats appear on a gray background, and you can press-and-hold onthem to unsave them at any time.
Here's how to save your Snapchat messages.
- Tap the Chat icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.Madison Malone Kircher/Snapchat.
- Type your message.
- To save your message, tap the line of text once.
- Once you tap the text, it will become bold and highlighted ingrey.
- To un-save a message, tap it once.