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In professional team sports, tapping up (BritishEnglish) or tampering (American English) is an attempt to persuadea player contracted to one team to transfer to another team,without the knowledge or permission of the player's current team.This kind of approach is often made through the player'sagent.
Simply so, what does tap in mean slang?
TAP means "Have sex" So now you know - TAPmeans "Have sex" - don't thank us. YW! What does TAP mean?TAP is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word thatis explained above where the TAP definition isgiven.
Similarly one may ask, what does top up mean?
noun top-up an amount added to something in order to raise it to ormaintain it at a desired level. (as modifier)a top-uploan; a top-up policy.
TAPPED means "Crazy" So now you know - TAPPEDmeans "Crazy" - don't thank us. YW! What does TAPPEDmean? TAPPED is an acronym, abbreviation or slangword that is explained above where the TAPPED definitionis given.