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Asked by: Myrian Gamecho
medical health eye and vision conditionsWhat does the axis number mean in an eye prescription?
Correspondingly, what does axis mean in eye prescription?
Answer: The axis number on yourprescription tells your optician in which direction theymust position any cylindrical power in your lenses (required forpeople with astigmatism). This number shows the orientation orangle in degrees from 1 to 180. The number 90 means verticalposition and 180 horizontal.
Thereof, what do the numbers on an eye prescription mean?
Glasses - How to Read Your EyeglassPrescription They are Latin abbreviations: OS (oculus sinister)means the left eye and OD (oculus dextrus) means the righteye. These numbers represent diopters, the unit usedto measure the correction, or focusing power, of the lens youreye requires.
The term "sphere" is essentially the degree ofcorrection needed to correct your near or farsightedness.Cylinder (CYL): The number indicates the lens powerneeded to correct astigmatism in your eyes. Axis: Theaxis indicates the orientation of astigmatism, measured indegrees from 1 to 180.