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Asked by: Kirsti Fetal
family and relationships datingWhat does the clock mean when you search for someone on Facebook?
Keeping this in view, how do you know if someone has blocked you on Facebook or deactivated their account?
Observations in case you areblocked Now, these signs also indicate that they might havedeactivated the account. But if you are able to seetheir profile pic in conversation then you areblocked and in case there is no profilepicture then the person has deactivated theaccount.
Accordingly, what do the symbols on Facebook posts mean?
Look for the little icon next to the time thepost was made. A tiny globe symbol means thepost is public; the silhouettes of two people meanit's for friends only. Photos are another tricky area. For example,somewhere on Facebook, there is a Halloween photo of medressed as the Grim Reaper.
If you hover over this member's name (desktop) ortap their name (mobile), you will see that this badgeindicates a “New Member”, someone who was added tothe group within the last two weeks.