Asked by: Georgieva Lindemeir
medical health bone and joint conditions

What does the long thoracic nerve innervate?

Serratus anterior muscle

In this regard, what muscles are innervated by the long thoracic nerve?

The long thoracic nerve originates from the C5–C7 roots and descends in the axilla, posterior to the brachial plexus, to innervate the serratus anterior muscle, which anchors the scapula to the chest wall. Injuries to the long thoracic nerve cause winging of the scapula, especially with the arm in anterior abduction.

Likewise, how do you injure the long thoracic nerve? Long thoracic nerve is more prone to injury due to its excessive length. Usually, injury to this nerve occurs due to trauma, direct blow to the rib area, over stretching or strenuous repetitive movements of the arms, and sustained bearing of excessive weight over the shoulder.

In this way, what does the long thoracic nerve do?

The long thoracic nerve is the motor nerve to the serratus anterior muscle, which functions to pull the scapula forward around the thorax, allowing for anteversion of the arm, and to lift the ribs, assisting in respiration.

Which thoracic nerve controls what?

Thoracic Spinal Nerves. The thoracic spine has 12 nerve roots (T1 to T12) on each side of the spine that branch from the spinal cord and control motor and sensory signals mostly for the upper back, chest, and abdomen. Each thoracic spinal nerve is named for the vertebra above it.

Related Question Answers

Nadin Dercks


How do you know if you have long thoracic nerve damage?

Symptoms are often minimal – if symptomatic, a posterior shoulder or scapular burning type of pain may be reported. A lesion of the nerve paralyses the serratus anterior to produce winged scapula, which is most prominent when the arm is lifted forward or when the patient pushes the outstretched arm against a wall.

Babette Sheehy


Can the long thoracic nerve heal?

Long thoracic nerve injury. Long thoracic nerve dysfunction may result from trauma or may occur without injury. Fortunately, most patients experience a return of serratus anterior function with conservative treatment, but recovery may take as many as 2 years.

Liliam Inguanzo


What causes thoracic nerve pain?

Nerve damage represents the most common cause, most often to the long thoracic nerve or the spinal accessory nerve. Additional causes of scapular winging include direct trauma to the scapulothoracic muscles or structural abnormalities that result in shoulder instability.

Wahba Quiminigal


What is thoracic nerve pain?

Thoracic radiculopathy is the pain and resulting symptoms associated with compression on the nerve or nerve roots of the thoracic spine. When the symptoms radiate or refer distally from the spine into the back and outward along the ribs to the anterior chest wall it is considered radiculopathy. Nerve Root Entrapment.

Reghina Lutchenko


What does the thoracic nerve do?

The thoracic nerves refer to the cluster of nerve fibers found in the upper body, particularly within the chest region. These nerve fibers are considered spinal nerves, which carry and transmit information between the spinal cord and parts of the body.

Garofita Poggio


What muscles does the Suprascapular nerve innervate?

The suprascapular nerve (SSN) is a mixed nerve that provides the motor innervation of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and the sensory and proprioceptive innervation of the posterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint, as well as the acromioclavicular joint, subacromial bursa, and scapula.

Ceres Zherihin


What muscles does the upper Subscapular nerve innervate?

The subscapular nerves are innervated by the posterior division of the brachial plexus. These nerves are part of a group of nerves that innervate the muscles that move the scapula. The upper subscapular nerve inserts directly into the upper portion of the subscapularis muscle, thus innervating it.

Iulius Watel


What are the symptoms of thoracic spine nerve damage?

  • Pain that travels around the body and into one or both legs.
  • Numbness or tingling in areas of one or both legs.
  • Muscle weakness in certain muscles of one or both legs.
  • Increased reflexes in one or both legs that can cause spasticity in the legs.

Charlotte Lindena


How do you treat thoracic nerve pain?

In mild cases, rest, ice, anti-inflammatory and pain medication, and stretching exercises may be enough to relieve the symptoms of thoracic nerve root entrapment. Your doctor may also recommend injections, such as facet injections, nerve blocks or an epidural.

Yinet Roerich


How do I know if I have nerve damage in my shoulder?

Signs and symptoms
  1. changes in feeling on the same side as the shoulder that hurts.
  2. muscle weakness in the arm, hand, or shoulder.
  3. neck pain, especially when turning the head from side to side.
  4. numbness and tingling in the fingers or hand.

Sylvie Flisowsk


How do you treat a thoracic strain?

  1. Rest as directed. Move slowly and carefully.
  2. Apply ice or heat as directed. Ice decreases pain and swelling and may help decrease tissue damage.
  3. Use an elastic wrap or back brace as directed. These will help keep the injured area from moving so it can heal.
  4. Go to physical therapy as directed.

Antia Para


How long does a winged scapula take to heal?

Cases of scapular winging caused by damage to the serratus anterior nerve sometimes heal on their own within two years. Your doctor may also recommend light physical therapy or using a brace for several months early in your recovery.

Carriona Ducos


What is surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome?

Surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome involves decompression of the thoracic outlet – removal of the first rib or an anomalous rib, partial removal of the anterior and middle scalene muscles, and decompression of the brachial plexus.

Eduardo Steegmayer


What is the cause of winged scapula?

Most lesions associated with winged scapula are the result of blunt trauma due to repetitive movements, as seen in athletics. The most common cause of scapular winging is paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle due to the injury of the long thoracic nerve.

Brehima Almansa


How do you get TOS?

There are many causes of TOS, including physical trauma, anatomical defects, tumors that press on nerves, poor posture that causes nerve compression, pregnancy, and repetitive arm and shoulder movements and activity, such as from playing certain sports. TOS is more common in women.

Plamen Cidad


What is Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

Parsonage-Turner Syndrome. Parsonage-Turner Syndrome, also known as brachial neuritis or neuralgic amyotrophy, is a peripheral nerve disorder that causes severe pain — usually involving the shoulder and arm.

Diango Yagodnikov


What happens if the spinal accessory nerve is damaged?

The spinal accessory nerve originates in the brain and enables motion in the trapezius and sternomastoid muscles in the neck. A spinal accessory nerve injury can be caused by trauma or damage during surgery, resulting in shoulder pain, "winging" of the shoulder blades and weakness of the trapezius muscle.

Ovidiu Fang


What happens when axillary nerve is damaged?

Axillary nerve palsy is a neurological condition in which the axillary (also called circumflex) nerve has been damaged by shoulder dislocation. It can cause weak deltoid and sensory loss below the shoulder. Since this is a problem with just one nerve, it is a type of Peripheral neuropathy called mononeuropathy.

Valdecir Kamperschror


How many thoracic nerves are there?

There are eight pairs of cervical nerves, twelve pairs of thoracic nerves, five pairs of lumbar nerves, five pairs of sacral nerves, and one pair of coccygeal nerves. The spinal nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system.