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Also to know is, what is the meaning behind the name Alexander?
λέξανδρος"(Aléxandros),meaning "Defender of the people" or"Defending men" and also,"Protector of men", a compound of theverb?λέξειν aléxein, "toward off,to avert, to defend" and the noun ?νήρ an?r,"man" (GEN?νδρόςandrós).
Also question is, is Alexander a biblical name?
Form of the name of the Christianevangelist,author of the first gospel in the New Testament. Hisname isa form of the Hebrew name Mattathia, meaning"gift of God,"which is fairly common in the OldTestament.
Scottish, English, German, Dutch; also found inmanyother cultures: from the personal name Alexander,classicalGreek Alexandros, which probably originally meant'repulser of men(i.e. of the enemy)', from alexein 'to repel' +andros, genitive ofaner 'man'.