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Similarly, you may ask, what is the meaning of name Brice?
Origin of the name Brice: English name originating as a surnametaken to English by the French in the Middle Ages. It is believedto be of Celtic origin and might be derived from the elementbri (force, strength) or brígh (valor, strength). Var:Bryce.
Also to know is, is Brice a boy or girl name?
Brice: It's a boy! Since 1880, a total of 12,605 boys have beengiven the name Brice while we have no record of anygirls being named Brice.
Scottish surname derived from the medieval given nameBrice. Follows the popular trend of using the "y" in the middle."Bryce" is the preferred spelling mid 1990s,Australia, and Canada. A place name for Bryce CanyonNational Park located in Utah.