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Asked by: Yanfen Scheffke
automotive car cultureWhat does the sunset symbolize in the outsiders?
Similarly, what does a sunset symbolize?
Symbolism: A sunset representsending,romance, twilight, beginning of darkness, change,transformationand nature.
Also to know, what are some symbols in the outsiders?
The Outsiders Symbols. -Bobs Rings: Theringssymbolize the physical power the Socs have overtheGreasers. It also represents the Socs having more resourcesandwealth. -Gold: Gold symbolizes the purity,innocence, andgoodnessof people.
Ponyboy says that sunset linetoCherry in chapter 3. Cherry is about to leave withagroup of Soc boys in order to prevent a fight from breaking outinfront of her. "Just don't forget that some of us watchthesunset too." His comment is meant remind CherrythatSocs and Greasers aren't so different from eachother.