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Petrify is to make something like a stone ortoliterally turn to stone. During thunderstorms, the dog issopetrified that it hides under the bed. If you are in astorewhen it is being robbed, you might bepetrifiedtoo.
In this manner, what does it mean if something is petrified?
to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, orotherstrong emotion: I was petrified with fear. to makerigid orinert; harden; deaden: The tragedy in his lifepetrified hisemotions.
part of speech: | transitive verb |
definition 3: | to daze or paralyze, as with terror or astonishment. Thesuddenscream in the night petrified all the campers.The news ofthedisaster petrified us. similar words: astonish, astound,daze,frighten, immobilize, paralyze, stun, terrify |
part of speech: | intransitive verb |
Keeping this in view, does petrified mean scared?
petrified. If you are petrified, youareextremely frightened, perhaps so frightened thatyoucannot think or move. A petrified plant or animal hasdiedand has gradually turned into stone.
petrified adjective (FRIGHTENED) extremely frightened: She's petrified of beingonher own in the house at night.