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Asked by: Lashunda Ellwood
music and audio inspirational musicWhat does Thoreau mean when he says he wants to live deliberately?
Thoreau says, I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Through these things, Thoreau experienced how life truly is truly meant to be lived.
Similarly, what does Thoreau mean by live deliberately?
Living deliberately means that you follow a path, but you designed it yourself.
Also asked, what does it mean to live deliberately and independently?
Here's what living deliberately means to me: It means prioritizing inner peace, and building that priority time into my day or week, so that the action I do take comes from a place of calmness. It means taking time to focus on the experience of being alive, rather than compulsive Doing.
Here are 15 simple, yet essential ways that you can live your life more deliberately and stop letting your destiny be decided for you.
- Choose your work.
- Stop Hanging out.
- Eat deliberately.
- Actively help others.
- Give yourself an allowance.
- Have mini tasks ready for unexpected downtime.
- Play hot potato with your To-Do's.