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Asked by: Patrica Leonhardt
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaWhat does UNP mean in Skyrim?
UNP stands for UNPretend, but it refers todimonized unp female body, dimonized refers to the same(dimon99 is the name of the modder). UNP is a moremodest look, imo.
In this manner, what is the difference between CBBE and UNP?
The only difference of CBBE and UNP isthat the CBBE has more a natural average weight looking andthe UNP has more a slim weight looking.
One may also ask, what is CBBE?
Overview. Keller's Brand Equity Model is also known asthe Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Model. You have tobuild the right type of experiences around your brand, so thatcustomers have specific, positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs,opinions, and perceptions about it.
It has a couple different variants; Sevenbaseitself is the core body, Bombshell's most noticeable change is themuch larger thighs.