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Keeping this in view, what is unthrottled data?
Typically, throttling is when your ISP limitsyourbandwidth after you've reached a preset monthly datacap,but it can also occur when an ISP decides to slow certainonlinedestinations.
Furthermore, is Internet throttling illegal?
Cell phone providers can legallythrottlecustomers' Internet speeds to reducecongestion during peakhours or in densely populated cities;however, the Federal TradeCommission (FTC) has said thatthrottling may becomeillegal if companies limit theircustomers' Internetspeeds in a “deceptive orunfair” fashion,
Bandwidth throttling is the intentional slowingorspeeding of an internet service by an Internetserviceprovider (ISP). It is a reactive measure employedincommunication networks to regulate network traffic andminimizebandwidth congestion. Bandwidth throttling can occuratdifferent locations on the network.