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Asked by: Yasira Hermansdorfer
technology and computing antivirus softwareWhat does whitelist and regular usage mean?
In this regard, what is the main function of a whitelist?
A whitelist is a list of e-mail addresses ordomain names from which an e-mail blocking program will allowmessages to be received. E-mail blocking programs, also called aspam filters, are intended to prevent most unsolicited e-mailmessages (spam) from appearing in subscriber inboxes.
Also asked, what does whitelisted Iphone mean?
A whitelisted ESN / IMEI has been officiallyregistered with a device by the manufacturer. Nearly everysmartphone that can be sold on Swappa is whitelisted. Ablacklisted ESN / IMEI has been reported lost or stolen with theglobal registry. A blacklisted device cannot be activated andcannot be sold here on Swappa.
Whitelist Definition A whitelist (or "white list") is a list of emailaddresses that your antispam program treats as trusted sources.Note: Some anti-spam programs might not even scan attachments. Wedo, just to be safe.