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Asked by: Gerai Tull
hobbies and interests needleworkWhat does YRN mean in knitting instructions?
Also question is, what does YRN in knitting mean?
Share. This video knitting tutorial will helpyoulearn how to knit the Yarn Round Needle Increase. Theyarnround needle increase (yrn) is a method for making holesinknitting, when going from a purl stitch to a purl stitch.Itis usually used in lace and eyelets.
Besides, what is the difference between Yon and YRN in knitting?
YRN (yarn round needle): The YRNisa YO done between two purl stitches. YON (yarnoverneedle): The YON is a YO done after a purl and beforeaknit stitch. Purl one stitch and your yarn will be infront;bring it back so it is behind the needle and then knitthenext stitch.
Yarn round needle (yarnaroundneedle or YRN is when yarn is wrapped aroundtheworking needle instead of just passing it over totheother side. So you purl 1, then wrap yarn aroundtheneedle once and purl 1 st again. Yrn is also used oftenwhenmaking edging to create double or triple increase.