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Just so, what are the 4 types of drama?
There are four main forms of drama. Theyare comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy and melodrama. All thesetypes have the common characteristics of drama genre;they are, plot, characters, conflict, music anddailogue.
Similarly, you may ask, what is difference between film and drama?
Drama and cinema aretotally different in terms of the performance. Drama is alively performance in front of audiences while in movie theactors are not performed or act lively. Then both of dramaand movie are kind of art performance.
Musical Drama: Musical dramas refer toplays in which characters engage in dialogue but also includescenes in which the passion of the character is so great heexpresses himself in song. Andrew Lloyd Weber's The Phantom of theOpera is a well-known example of a musical drama thattells the story of obsession.