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Examples of bottom feeding fishspeciesgroups are flatfish (halibut, flounder, plaice, sole), eels,cod,haddock, bass, grouper, carp, bream (snapper) and some speciesofcatfish and shark.
Likewise, which bottom feeder fish is best?
Best Bottom Feeder Fish
- Cory Catfish. This species of Catfish is perfect for asmalltank.
- Snails. Snails tend to be one of the most popular bottomfeederson the market.
- Otocinclus Catfish. These variety of catfish are great forsmalltanks since they don't get bigger than two inches.
- Siamese Algae Eaters.
- Amano Shrimp.
Also question is, do bottom feeders eat fish?
One fish that many people label as abottomfeeder is Tilapia—but that's not strictly true.In thewild, Tilapia usually eat around the mid-level of thewater,although they will go to the bottom for food if theycan'tfind suitable food anywhere else. When they can get it, theyoptfor a diet of algae and lake plants.
They generally live around 5 to 10 years,butthere are some known cases of these fish living for 15yearsor more.