Asked by: Elsie Ayasaga
home and garden landscaping

What flowers grow well with hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks are beautiful cottage garden plants, so they pair well with many perennials and shrubs in those types of gardens. Roses, rose mallow, tall garden phlox, delphiniums, peonies, ornamental grasses and foxgloves are just some of the plants that can be grouped with hollyhocks in the garden.

Just so, what to do with hollyhocks after flowering?

Prune the leaves and stems back to 6 inches from the ground in fall. The hollyhocks then need a layer of organic material over the root zone to protect them from freezing. Use straw, compost, leaf litter or mulch. Put 4 to 6 inches over the base of the plant.

Beside above, what are hollyhocks good for? Hollyhock is a plant. The flower is used to make a medicinal tea. People use hollyhock for preventing and treating breathing disorders and digestive tract problems. Some people apply hollyhock directly to the skin for treating ulcers and painful swelling (inflammation).

Also, how do you take care of hollyhock plants?

Hollyhocks need full sun and moist, rich, well drained soil. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that is too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow the seeds outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost.

How far apart should you plant hollyhocks?

PLANT SPACING: Eighteen inches apart. If planted in rows, space rows at least 3 feet apart. Depending on how hollyhock grow in your area, some plants may require staking to support fragile stems in windy areas.

Related Question Answers

Javed Halimov


Should hollyhocks be deadheaded?

Deadheading. Hollyhock blooms from the bottom up. Round seedpods develop along the bottom of the stem first and some may ripen before the uppermost blooms on the tall stalks fade. Stalks should be pruned off, or deadheaded, when there are more seed pods than flowers and buds.

Ramaz Muppala


When should I cut down my hollyhocks?

Cut plants down to new basal foliage in late summer when flowering is completed. Remove all the old flowering stems and the old, ragged basal leaves. The new foliage is more attractive at this point and holds up well through the winter, remaining semi-evergreen in areas with mild winters.

Quim Stocker


Are hollyhocks poisonous?

Unfortunately, they can cause dermatitis in both pets and people when touched, warns "Poisonous Plants of California." Hollyhocks can trigger either contact dermatitis or allergic dermatitis, which can result in redness and itching of the skin and irritation of the mouth if eaten.

Timea Blankenbuhler


Can hollyhocks grow in pots?

Any small plant container will do, but plastic “peat pots” filled with perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss are ideal for this. Place the trays near a window where they'll receive ample sunlight. Water the soil as needed to keep it moist. Hollyhock seeds usually germinate in 1 to 2 weeks.

Dimitrina Entrenas


Can you take cuttings from hollyhocks?

Cut a 3- to 4-inch length of healthy root from the hollyhock with a sharp knife or scissors; the end closest to the root ball should be cut straight across. The root should be 1/4 inch wide or larger. Avoid any blackened roots; the dark color indicates they are dead or dying.

Lynette Fabelo


Why are the leaves on my hollyhocks turning yellow?

Yellow leaves can be caused by many things including lack of nitrogen, insufficient light, water-logged soil (plant roots need oxygen to thrive), dry soil, or iron deficiency. If the older bottom leaves are yellow, but new growth is green, it's usually a lack of nitrogen.

Edur Plankensteiner


Why are my hollyhocks dying?

Disease cycle of hollyhock rust
Wet conditions promote infection by the rust fungus. The lower leaves typically show symptoms first, and the disease slowly progresses to upper leaves over the summer. Infected leaves eventually turn brown, wilt, and die.

Andoitz Wieht


Why are my hollyhocks not blooming?

They are very susceptible to the disease, rust, and they usually need to be staked. Why didn't my hollyhock bloom this year? Hollyhocks do not usually bloom the first year from seed unless it is sown early. They also self-sow and the first year the seedlings will not bloom.

Leya Villanueva


What do hollyhocks symbolize?

In truth, the hollyhock prefers impoverished earth to dig its roots into and will actually live a longer lifespan through the summer if the ground hasn't been fertilized or treated. Another symbol that the flower represents is fertility and fruitfulness.

Levan Cumbicus


What animal eats hollyhocks?

While many insects find the leaves to be quite tasty, the two that are most common are the hollyhock weevil (Apion longisrostre), and the larvae of the sawfly.

Poonam Schnaittacher


How fast do hollyhocks grow?

Sow hollyhock seeds outdoors just beneath the surface of the soil 1-2 weeks before last frost. Seeds will germinate in 10-14 days. Thin to 18-36 inches apart after seedlings have sprouted. Water as needed during dry conditions to keep flowers blooming.

Yihan Zaumseil


Are hollyhocks invasive?

Hollyhock mallow is recommended for U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. Although it is not considered invasive, other Malva species can become weedy and potentially invasive in some areas, so be certain you are purchasing plants or seeds for the desired species.

Nilva Tikhonov


How do you collect hollyhock seeds?

To harvest hollyhock seeds, simply snap the hollyhock seed pods off the stalks with your fingers, dropping them into a brown paper bag. (If you want to sow them instead of saving them, autumn is also the ideal time for that.

Estitxu Ozaeta


Do Delphiniums bloom every year?

Delphiniums bloom on tall spikes, so they are commonly used in borders or as background plants in the landscape, Goodspeed explains. They bloom in early summer and often again in late summer or early fall. Because they are so quick to bloom, many people treat them as annuals, buying new plants every year.

Elly Pankoker


Do slugs eat hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks are favored by slugs, cutworms, and leaf eating insects. You need to know which you have to know what to do. The slugs (or snails) usually leave roundish holes in the middles of leaves. You will never see a slug in the daytime, but come out a few hours after dark with a flashlight and look for culprits.

Pearly Tombo


Do foxgloves bloom all summer?

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) bears spikes of dainty flowers on a 2-to 5-foot-tall plant. Spikes grow on upright flower stalks, which bloom tubular flowers in mid-summer and may be red, pink, white, purple or yellow depending on the variety. Foxglove grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 8.

Yohanna Hence


Do hollyhocks like sun or shade?

The long spikes of red, pink or white flowers bloom during the summer, and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Hollyhocks grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 10, and are biennial or perennial in warmer zones. They grow in light shade to full sun, in most types of well-drained soil.

Robina Grohse


Do hollyhocks need a lot of water?

Watering: Provide regular water and keep soil moist for starting hollyhocks. However, once well established, they are fairly drought tolerant. Water from below and avoid wetting the foliage, as this can lead to diseased leaves.

Kimera Krausshaar


How do you get hollyhocks to bloom in the first year?

To force biennial hollyhocks to flower the first year, treat them with gibberellic acid, a flower inducer that takes the place of a cold period. Planting them in fall may also induce hollyhocks to bloom the first year.